Share your stories: Calling Maine landowners, stewards, and farmers

We at the Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District believe that the best insights often come from those who are in the field every day, facing challenges, finding solutions, and nurturing the land. That's why we are extending an open invitation to landowners, managers, and farmers in Maine to share your experiences and techniques on our blog.

Why share your story? Because your knowledge and experiences are invaluable. By sharing them, you can:

  • Educate and inspire others: Your successes and lessons learned can help others in our community who may be facing similar challenges.

  • Promote sustainable practices: Highlight techniques and practices that have worked well for you and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly Maine.

  • Connect with fellow growers: Build a network of like-minded individuals passionate about land stewardship and conservation.

What to write about. We’re looking for various topics that reflect Maine land characteristics and our community. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Innovative soil conservation techniques: What methods have you implemented to prevent erosion or improve soil health on your property?

  • Water management strategies: Share how you manage water resources, from irrigation techniques to rainwater harvesting systems.

  • Success stories: Tell us about a particularly successful project or season and what made it work.

  • Challenges and solutions: Discuss a challenge you faced and how you overcame it. Your problem-solving strategies could be exactly what someone else needs to hear.

  • Sustainable farming practices: Highlight any sustainable practices you’ve adopted and their positive impact on your land.

Submitting your story is easy! Simply email your blog post to our marketing agency at with the subject line “Stewardship Notes Submission.” Include your name, contact information, and any photos or videos that help tell your story. Don’t worry if you’re not a seasoned writer—focus on sharing your experiences, and we can help with the rest.