Three Native Plants for Erosion Control in Maine

Three Native Plants for Erosion Control in Maine

A plant is considered good for erosion control based on several key characteristics that enable it to stabilize soil, reduce runoff, and protect against soil loss. Factors like deep roots, good ground coverage, hardy, and low maintenance make these three native plants good candidates in Maine.


Its height and deep roots make it an ideal plant for erosion control. Switchgrass is a warm-season grass with wide ranges across most of North America and southern Canada. It can grow in many different soil types, making it an easy perennial to use. In addition to erosion control it’s also great for wildlife, bird habitat, and feed for livestock. 

For more information about growing and using Switchgrass visit Nature’s Seed.

Red Osier Dogwood

This highly recognizable shrub from its bright red stems and white flowers is most suitable for streambank protection. This Dogwood’s side branches tend to root and layer stabilizing the soil and embankments. There has been some problem with cicadas stinging the stems causing lesions and cankers to occur.  However, these are not pathogenic and are thought to just be the tree's reaction to injury.

For more information about the Red Osier Dogwood view the USDA’s pamphlet.

New England Aster

This flower is used alone or mixed with plants like Switchgrass for erosion control. It’s also a valuable plant for late-season pollinators (especially Monarchs). This Aster prefers moist soil but can flourish in a variety of conditions. Their root system is not deep, but its thick rhizomes allow this plant to spread making it great for light erosion solutions.

For general information about the New England Aster visit Maine Native Plants

Incorporating native plants like these into your landscaping not only helps control erosion but also supports local ecosystems by providing habitat and food for wildlife. By choosing plants adapted to Maine’s unique environment, you’re ensuring a sustainable, low-maintenance solution to erosion that will thrive for years to come.